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First time bunny owner? Congratulations! Here are a few things you will need:


🐰 Holland Lops need a half cup of rabbit pellets daily (we prefer Oxbow Adult), unlimited Timothy hay, and veggies. Leafy greens, carrots, celery, and even dandelions are some of our bunnies’ favorites. They are also crazy about blueberries! Sugary fruits should be given in moderation.

🐰 Water should always be available and in a sturdy bowl until about six months of age or until their tongues are strong enough to work the ball in the plastic water bottles.



🐰 A rabbit cage with a high plastic bottom is best for keeping bunny indoors. We recommend not providing a hiding place (such as an igloo or hut) to encourage socialization instead of reclusion. 

🐰 There are a variety of bedding materials you can use to line the bottom of bunny’s cage. The package will usually say if it is safe for rabbits. We prefer Aspen shavings.

🐰 A litter pan is a great option should you choose to litter train your bunny. (Yes, it is possible! Check out YouTube for some how-to videos).

🐰 A hay rack is handy for keeping bunny’s hay clean and off the bottom of the cage. Many rabbit cages already come with one.


🐰 Hutches should provide proper protection from predators as well as wind and rain. A wire floor is best for ventilation and drainage. A resting board/mat will provide a place for your bunny to rest its feet from standing on the wire too long as this can cause painful sores. 

🐰 Rabbits can withstand the cold much better than the heat. They can quickly become overheated and die of heat stroke. About 80° with zero humidity is the maximum a rabbit can tolerate. Here are some tips for helping your bunny keep cool when the temperatures rise:

➡️ Keep the hutch under the shade of a tree.

➡️ Attach an electric or solar panel fan to the hutch for direct airflow.

➡️ Place a frozen half gallon jug of water on a light colored marble slab for your bunny to lie on. Marble is a naturally cool stone and the frozen jug will help keep it even cooler. You can attach the jug to the wire wall with a small bungee cord to keep it from sliding off. Your local countertop store is a great place to find small slabs of marble that are leftover from a job that they cannot use. Many times they will let you have them for free.


🐰 Rabbits are self-cleaners and do not require bathing. In fact, submerging a rabbit into water can actually traumatize it. It is best to keep them dry if at all possible.

🐰 Weekly brushing can help prevent hairballs from developing.

🐰 Nails can be trimmed every 1 to 2 months. You can find rabbit nail clippers at Walmart, Amazon, or any pet store.


🐰 Rabbits are chewers. They can chew on items such as pinecones, sticks, or you can find toys on Amazon or a pet store.

🐰 Diarrhea can be deadly for bunnies. Rosemary and lavender are known to work great for any digestive issues.

5-LOVE & ENJOY! ❤️🐰

Bunny Care: About
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